Jan 30, 2020
We just crammed together some off the past stories you may have
missed from Season 1.
Uncles, Animals, Porn, and Knives, we got it all, baby.
Jan 16, 2020
Sabrina Ambra stops by to drop a the mother of all Origin Stories on us, as well as one of her early Super Hero stories involving a fight with an evil cult.
Make sure to find you Wipple Tickle and get the job done right!
Jan 2, 2020
Dear audience member,
You may have heard a recent segment called "Nicholas begins some
Gossip" on a different tuber based podcast, but we refuse to
acknowledge this blatant falsehood aside to state emphatically that
it is false.
In this episode Chris Crespo from https://chriscrespo.com/...