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The Orlando Talk Show with Ross McCoy

May 30, 2022

Hello, Jacki here to give you a recap of this episode and I'm sorry to report that I am noteless. 

So I'm winging it. 

Now, Busdeker is one of the hippest cats I know and, lately, he's been a roller skating fiend. 

He also is one of the biggest cheerleaders for Detroit that I've been lucky to meet!

Some other things I know about Busdeker is that you never call him by his first name for some reason. Or at least I don't- he's always simply Busdeker to me. 

Now this might also be partly because he has a podcast with the other half of the sunniest duo I know, Brendan from the Bungalower

Their podcast is called "Bungalower & The Bus" and it's a bop of a show set all over (and all about) Orlando. 

Okay, so now I've told you about the dood, now go listen, okay?